Analytic three-dimensional elasticity solutions are presented for the free vibration and buckling of thermally stressed, multilayered, angle-ply composite plates. Sensitivity derivatives are also evaluated and used to study the sensitivity of the vibration and buckling responses to variations in the different lamination and material parameters of the plate. The plates are assumed to have rectangular geometry and an antisymmetric lamination with respect to the middle plane. The temperature is assumed to be independent of the surface coordinates, but has an arbitrary symmetric variation through the thickness of the plate. A linear, Duhamel-Neumann type constitutive model is used, and the material properties are assumed to be independent of temperature. The thermal plate response is subjected to time-varying perturbation displacements, strains, and stresses. A mixed formulation is used with the fundamental unknowns consisting of the six perturbation stress components and the three perturbation displacement components of the plate. The initial thermal deformations are accounted for. Each of the plate variables is decomposed into symmetric and antisymmetric components in the thickness direction, and is expressed in terms of a double Fourier series in the Cartesian surface coordinates. Numerical results are presented showing the effects of variations in material characteristics and fiber orientation of different layers, as well as the effects of initial thermal deformations on the vibrational and buckling responses of the plate, as well as their sensitivity derivatives.

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