This paper presents a multiple model/controller scheme for robust tracking of a class of nonlinear systems in the presence of large plant uncertainties and disturbance. Each model is associated with a sliding mode controller, and a switching logic is designed to pick the model that best approximates the plant at each instant. Theoretically, it is shown that the proposed control scheme achieves perfect tracking despite the existence of disturbance, whereas simulation results verify the improvement in the transient performance.
Issue Section:
Technical Briefs
, M. L.
, and Orlando
, G.
, 2002, “Transient Improvement of Variable Structure Controlled Systems via Multi-Model Switching Control
,” ASME J. Dyn. Syst., Meas., Control
0022-0434, 124
, pp. 321
, K. S.
, and George
, K.
, 2002, “Adaptive Control of Simple Nonlinear Systems Using Multiple Models
,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference
, Anchorage, AK, May, pp. 1779
.Copyright © 2010
by American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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