
In process-plant engineering, systems of process-fluid heating combined with power generation are often of such complex character that orthodox analytical methods of mathematical, graphical, and numerical nature prove inadequate. In general, solution of thermal-energy flow processes, particularly under off-design conditions, is fraught with many complications; under these circumstances, recourse to analysis via the resistance concept of energy flow, offers distinct advantages. Furthermore, in terms of the concept which expresses flow as the result of a motivating force acting against resistance, processes may be simulated analytically by electrical flow with its attendant circuitry; that is, by electrical analogy.

In the heat-and-power process plant treated, a prime mover, such as a steam turbine, exhausts directly to a vapor-condensing fluid heater, thus serving, in effect, as a power-producing “reducing valve.” In such an arrangement, the performance of the turbine, as to steam consumption and corresponding steam exhaust, is greatly influenced by the heater conditions; conversely, the heater performance is directly dependent on the associated steam-turbine performance. The prediction of over-all performance characteristics of such an integrated complex is one in which the resistance concept is of unique value. Adaptation to simulation via electrical analogy thus introduces another tool for the study of combined process-and-power systems, the demonstration of which is the particular purpose of the present paper.

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