Secondary effects, such as heat transfer from fluid to engine structure and the resulting changes in tip and seal clearances affect component performance and stability. A tip clearance model to be used in transient synthesis codes has been developed. The tip clearance model is derived as a state space structure. The model parameters have been identified from thermomechanical finite element models. The model calculates symmetric rotor tip clearance changes in the turbomachinery and symmetric seal clearance changes in the secondary air system for engine transients within the entire flight envelope. The resulting changes in efficiency, capacity, and cooling airflows are fed into the performance program. Corrections for tip clearance changes on the component characteristics are derived from rig tests. The effect of seal clearance changes on the secondary air system is derived using sophisticated air system models. The clearance model is validated against FE thermomechanical models. The modeling method of modifying the component characteristics is verified comparing engine simulation and test data, which show good agreement. Based on a representative transient maneuver typical transient overshoots in fuel flow and turbine gas temperature and changes in component stability margins can be shown. With the use of this model in the performance synthesis the transient engine performance can be predicted more accurate than currently in the engine development program.
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July 2005
Technical Papers
Modeling and Validation of the Thermal Effects on Gas Turbine Transients
Annette E. Nielsen,
Annette E. Nielsen
Hermann-Eckert-Strasse 20, D-88634 Herdwangen-Schoenach, Germany
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Christoph W. Moll,
Christoph W. Moll
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd., & CoKG, Eschenweg 15, 15827 Dahlewitz, Germany
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Stephan Staudacher
Stephan Staudacher
Institut fu¨r Luftfahrtantriebe, University Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 6, 70596 Stuttgart, Germany
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Annette E. Nielsen
Hermann-Eckert-Strasse 20, D-88634 Herdwangen-Schoenach, Germany
Christoph W. Moll
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd., & CoKG, Eschenweg 15, 15827 Dahlewitz, Germany
Stephan Staudacher
Institut fu¨r Luftfahrtantriebe, University Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 6, 70596 Stuttgart, Germany
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Paper presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, June 13–17, 2004, Paper No. 2004-GT-53344. Manuscript received by IGTI, October 1, 2003; final revision, March 1, 2004. IGTI Review Chair: A. J. Strazisar.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jul 2005, 127(3): 564-572 (9 pages)
Published Online: June 24, 2005
Article history
October 1, 2003
March 1, 2004
June 24, 2005
Nielsen, A. E., Moll, C. W., and Staudacher, S. (June 24, 2005). "Modeling and Validation of the Thermal Effects on Gas Turbine Transients ." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. July 2005; 127(3): 564–572.
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