A combination of extrapolation and estimation techniques from both prior and current studies has been explored with the goal of developing a method to accurately characterize high-stress amplitude low cycle fatigue of a material commonly used in gas turbine blades with the absence of such data. This paper describes innovative methods used to predict high-temperature fatigue of IN738LC, a dual-phase Ni-base superalloy. Three sets of experimental data at different temperatures are used to evaluate and examine the validity of extrapolation methods such as anchor points and hysteresis energy trends. High-stress amplitude data points approaching the ultimate strength of the material were added to pre-existing base data with limited plastic strain to achieve a full-range data set that could be used to test the legitimacy of the different prediction methods. Each method is evaluated at a number of temperatures.
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e-mail: daubenspeck@knights.ucf.edu
e-mail: apgordon@mail.ucf.edu
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April 2011
Research Papers
Extrapolation Techniques for Very Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of a Ni-base Superalloy
Brian R. Daubenspeck,
Brian R. Daubenspeck
Department of Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering,
e-mail: daubenspeck@knights.ucf.edu
University of Central Florida
, Orlando, FL 32816-2450
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Ali P. Gordon
Ali P. Gordon
Department of Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering,
e-mail: apgordon@mail.ucf.edu
University of Central Florida
, Orlando, FL 32816-2450
Search for other works by this author on:
Brian R. Daubenspeck
Department of Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering,
University of Central Florida
, Orlando, FL 32816-2450e-mail: daubenspeck@knights.ucf.edu
Ali P. Gordon
Department of Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering,
University of Central Florida
, Orlando, FL 32816-2450e-mail: apgordon@mail.ucf.edu
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. Apr 2011, 133(2): 021023 (9 pages)
Published Online: March 23, 2011
Article history
May 20, 2010
January 18, 2011
March 23, 2011
March 23, 2011
Daubenspeck, B. R., and Gordon, A. P. (March 23, 2011). "Extrapolation Techniques for Very Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of a Ni-base Superalloy." ASME. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. April 2011; 133(2): 021023. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4003602
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