The present paper investigates the microstructure and mechanical properties’ aspects of AISI 4140 steel front axle beams developed by roll and hot-die forging processes. Microstructure of the processed beams exhibited tempered martensite, and nonmartensitic products, such as retained austenite and ferrite at the case and core, respectively. Fatigue testing results indicate that roll forged beams have demonstrated 37% higher fatigue lives (Weibull B50 life) compared to hot-die forged beams, despite similar quasi-static tensile properties. The improved fatigue performance of the roll forged beams over hot-die forged beams is attributed to the fine, close texture and rationalized material flow in the beams processed by the roll forging process. Finite element analysis and experimental strain measurements of subject component indicate that the stress levels due to fatigue loads are well below the static yield strength and endurance limit of AISI 4140 steel; however, the notches present in the form of flash or partition lines of the forged beams have initiated the fatigue failures of the beams.
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January 2012
Bridging Microstructure, Properties, And Processing Of Polymer-Based Advanced Materials
Influence of Forging Process on Fatigue Properties of AISI 4140 Steel Axle Component
Venkateswaran Perumal,
Venkateswaran Perumal
Metallurgy Division, Engineering Research and Development Centre, Tata Motors Ltd.
, Pune 411018, India
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Siba Prasad Mookherjee,
Siba Prasad Mookherjee
Light and Medium Vehicle Design Division, Engineering Research and Development Centre, Tata Motors Ltd.
, Pune 411018, India
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Ajit Kumar Jindal
Ajit Kumar Jindal
Light and Medium Vehicle Design Division, Engineering Research and Development Centre, Tata Motors Ltd.
, Pune 411018, India
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Venkateswaran Perumal
Metallurgy Division, Engineering Research and Development Centre, Tata Motors Ltd.
, Pune 411018, India
Siba Prasad Mookherjee
Light and Medium Vehicle Design Division, Engineering Research and Development Centre, Tata Motors Ltd.
, Pune 411018, India
Ajit Kumar Jindal
Light and Medium Vehicle Design Division, Engineering Research and Development Centre, Tata Motors Ltd.
, Pune 411018, India
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. Jan 2012, 134(1): 010909 (6 pages)
Published Online: December 21, 2011
Article history
February 21, 2011
October 24, 2011
December 21, 2011
December 21, 2011
Perumal, V., Palanivelu, S., Mookherjee, S. P., and Jindal, A. K. (December 21, 2011). "Influence of Forging Process on Fatigue Properties of AISI 4140 Steel Axle Component." ASME. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. January 2012; 134(1): 010909.
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