Micro-computed tomography (CT) was used as a tool to investigate the deformation behavior of particulate-filled composite materials. Three different shapes of glass fillers (spherical, flake, and fiber) and filler mass fractions (5%, 10%, and 15%) were introduced to the epoxy resin. Rockwell hardness H scale indentation test was used to deform the composite material. The composite materials were scanned before and after the indentation test by using micro-CT. Displacement field for each filler type and mass fraction were measured through correlation of before and after scan data. The effects of filler type and mass fraction on the internal displacement field were investigated. It was also demonstrated that micro-CT can be used as a tool to create realistic representative volume elements (RVEs) for particulate-filled composite materials instead of randomly distributed particles within the matrix material.
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April 2018
Micro-Computed Tomography as a Tool to Investigate the Deformation Behavior of Particulate-Filled Composite Materials
Kenan Cinar,
Kenan Cinar
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Namik Kemal University,
Tekirdag 59860, Turkey;
Namik Kemal University,
Tekirdag 59860, Turkey;
Department of Mechanical and
Nuclear Engineering,
Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, VA 23284
e-mail: kcinar@nku.edu.tr
Nuclear Engineering,
Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, VA 23284
e-mail: kcinar@nku.edu.tr
Search for other works by this author on:
Ibrahim Guven
Ibrahim Guven
Department of Mechanical and
Nuclear Engineering,
Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, VA 23284
e-mail: iguven@vcu.edu
Nuclear Engineering,
Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, VA 23284
e-mail: iguven@vcu.edu
Search for other works by this author on:
Kenan Cinar
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Namik Kemal University,
Tekirdag 59860, Turkey;
Namik Kemal University,
Tekirdag 59860, Turkey;
Department of Mechanical and
Nuclear Engineering,
Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, VA 23284
e-mail: kcinar@nku.edu.tr
Nuclear Engineering,
Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, VA 23284
e-mail: kcinar@nku.edu.tr
Ibrahim Guven
Department of Mechanical and
Nuclear Engineering,
Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, VA 23284
e-mail: iguven@vcu.edu
Nuclear Engineering,
Virginia Commonwealth University,
Richmond, VA 23284
e-mail: iguven@vcu.edu
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Materials Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received March 13, 2017; final manuscript received July 31, 2017; published online September 13, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Hareesh Tippur.
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. Apr 2018, 140(2): 021001 (18 pages)
Published Online: September 13, 2017
Article history
March 13, 2017
July 31, 2017
Cinar, K., and Guven, I. (September 13, 2017). "Micro-Computed Tomography as a Tool to Investigate the Deformation Behavior of Particulate-Filled Composite Materials." ASME. J. Eng. Mater. Technol. April 2018; 140(2): 021001. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4037658
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