Kinematic redundancy may be an efficient way to improve the performance of parallel manipulators. Nevertheless, the inverse kinematic problem of this kind of manipulator presents infinite solutions. The selection of a single kinematic configuration among a set of many possible ones is denoted as redundancy resolution. While several redundancy resolution strategies have been proposed for planning the motion of redundant serial manipulators, suitable proposals for parallel manipulators are seldom. Redundancy resolution can be treated as an optimization problem that can be solved locally or globally. Gradient projection methods have been successfully employed to solve it locally. For global strategies, these methods may be computationally demanding and mathematically complex. The main objective of this work is to exploit the use of differential dynamic programing (DDP) for decreasing the computational demand and mathematical complexity of a global optimization based on the gradient projection method for redundancy resolution. The outcome of the proposed method is the optimal inputs for the active joints for a given trajectory of the end-effector considering the input limitations and different cost functions. Using the proposed method, the performance of a redundant 3PRRR manipulator is investigated numerically and experimentally. The results demonstrate the capability and versatility of the strategy.
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August 2017
Redundancy Resolution of Kinematically Redundant Parallel Manipulators Via Differential Dynamic Programing
João Cavacanti Santos,
João Cavacanti Santos
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
School of Engineering of São Carlos,
University of São Paulo,
São Carlos 13566-590, SP, Brazil
School of Engineering of São Carlos,
University of São Paulo,
São Carlos 13566-590, SP, Brazil
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Maíra Martins da Silva
Maíra Martins da Silva
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
School of Engineering of São Carlos,
University of São Paulo,
São Carlos 13566-590, SP, Brazil
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
School of Engineering of São Carlos,
University of São Paulo,
São Carlos 13566-590, SP, Brazil
Search for other works by this author on:
João Cavacanti Santos
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
School of Engineering of São Carlos,
University of São Paulo,
São Carlos 13566-590, SP, Brazil
School of Engineering of São Carlos,
University of São Paulo,
São Carlos 13566-590, SP, Brazil
Maíra Martins da Silva
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
School of Engineering of São Carlos,
University of São Paulo,
São Carlos 13566-590, SP, Brazil
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
School of Engineering of São Carlos,
University of São Paulo,
São Carlos 13566-590, SP, Brazil
1Corresponding author.
Manuscript received December 10, 2016; final manuscript received April 26, 2017; published online May 24, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Marc Gouttefarde.
J. Mechanisms Robotics. Aug 2017, 9(4): 041016 (9 pages)
Published Online: May 24, 2017
Article history
December 10, 2016
April 26, 2017
Connected Content
Cavacanti Santos, J., and Martins da Silva, M. (May 24, 2017). "Redundancy Resolution of Kinematically Redundant Parallel Manipulators Via Differential Dynamic Programing." ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics. August 2017; 9(4): 041016.
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