The concentration ratio of the parabolic dish solar collector (PDSC) is considered to be one of the highest among the concentrated solar power technologies (CSPs); therefore, such system is capable of generating more heat rate. The present paper focuses on the integration of the PDSC with the combined cycle (gas cycle as the toping cycle and steam cycle as the bottoming cycle) along with the utilization of waste heat from the power cycle to drive the single effect lithium bromide/water absorption cycle. Molten salt is used as a heat transfer fluid in the solar collector. The engineering equation solver (EES) is employed for the mathematical modeling and simulation of the solar integrated system. The various operating parameters (beam radiation, inlet and ambient temperatures of heat transfer fluid, mass flow rate of heat transfer fluid, evaporator temperature, and generator temperature) are varied to analyze their influence on the performance parameters (power output, overall energetic and exergetic efficiencies, outlet temperature of the receiver, and as coefficient of performance (COP) and exergy efficiencies) of the integrated system. The results show that the overall energy and exergy efficiencies are observed to be 39.9% and 42.95% at ambient temperature of 27 °C and solar irradiance of 1000 W/m2. The outlet temperature of the receiver is noticed to decrease from 1008 K to 528 K for an increase in the mass flow rate from 0.01 to 0.05 kg/s. The efficiency rate of the power plant is 38%, whereas COP of single effect absorption system is 0.84, and it will decrease from 0.87 to 0.79. However, the evaporator load is decreased to approximately 9.7% by increasing the generator temperature from 47 °C to 107 °C.
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December 2019
Thermodynamic Performance Evaluation of a Solar Parabolic Dish Assisted Multigeneration System
Muhammad Abid,
Muhammad Abid
Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Energy Systems Engineering,
North Cyprus via Mersin 10,
Nicosia 10000,
Department of Energy Systems Engineering,
Cyprus International University
,North Cyprus via Mersin 10,
Nicosia 10000,
Search for other works by this author on:
Muhammad Sajid Khan,
Muhammad Sajid Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Mirpur, 10250 AJK,
Mirpur University of Science & Technology (MUST)
,Mirpur, 10250 AJK,
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Tahir Abdul Hussain Ratlamwala
Tahir Abdul Hussain Ratlamwala
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National University of Sciences and Technology,
Islamabad 24090,
National University of Sciences and Technology,
Islamabad 24090,
Search for other works by this author on:
Muhammad Abid
Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Energy Systems Engineering,
North Cyprus via Mersin 10,
Nicosia 10000,
Department of Energy Systems Engineering,
Cyprus International University
,North Cyprus via Mersin 10,
Nicosia 10000,
Muhammad Sajid Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Mirpur, 10250 AJK,
Mirpur University of Science & Technology (MUST)
,Mirpur, 10250 AJK,
Tahir Abdul Hussain Ratlamwala
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National University of Sciences and Technology,
Islamabad 24090,
National University of Sciences and Technology,
Islamabad 24090,
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of ASME for publication in the Journal of Solar Energy Engineering: Including Wind Energy and Building Energy Conservation. Manuscript received July 20, 2018; final manuscript received June 11, 2019; published online June 28, 2019. Assoc. Editor: Aranzazu Fernandez Garcia.
J. Sol. Energy Eng. Dec 2019, 141(6): 061014 (10 pages)
Published Online: June 28, 2019
Article history
July 20, 2018
Revision Received:
June 11, 2019
June 12, 2019
Abid, M., Khan, M. S., and Hussain Ratlamwala, T. A. (June 28, 2019). "Thermodynamic Performance Evaluation of a Solar Parabolic Dish Assisted Multigeneration System." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. December 2019; 141(6): 061014.
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