A study has been made of the effect of an externally imposed, low-frequency modulation on the action of a fluid in machining. It is shown that in conventional machining, fluid action in terms of lubrication is essentially confined to the edges of the chip-tool contact along the tool rake face, with little or no change in the friction condition over much of this face. However, the effectiveness of the lubricating action is significantly enhanced when a controlled low-frequency modulation of sufficient amplitude, such as to break the chip-tool contact, is imposed in the direction of cutting. Measurements show that the friction coefficient between tool and chip is reduced by a factor of up to three in the presence of such a modulation. The extent of the secondary deformation zone in the chip material close to the rake face is also significantly reduced. Direct observations of the tool rake face show that when the modulation is applied, the fluid penetrates into much of the intimate contact region between chip and tool.
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e-mail: moscoso@ecn.purdue.edu
e-mail: efe.olgun@pfizer.com
e-mail: dcompton@ecn.purdue.edu
e-mail: chandy@ecn.purdue.edu
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January 2005
Technical Papers
Effect of Low-Frequency Modulation on Lubrication of Chip-Tool Interface in Machining
Wilfredo Moscoso,
e-mail: moscoso@ecn.purdue.edu
Wilfredo Moscoso
Center for Materials Processing and Tribology Purdue University, IE, GRIS 315 North Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN-47907-2023 Tel. (765) 494-5409
Search for other works by this author on:
Efe Olgun,
e-mail: efe.olgun@pfizer.com
Efe Olgun
Center for Materials Processing and Tribology Purdue University, IE, GRIS 315 North Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN-47907-2023 Tel. (765) 494-5409
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W. Dale Compton,
e-mail: dcompton@ecn.purdue.edu
W. Dale Compton
Center for Materials Processing and Tribology Purdue University, IE, GRIS 315 North Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN-47907-2023 Tel. (765) 494-5409
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Srinivasan Chandrasekar
e-mail: chandy@ecn.purdue.edu
Srinivasan Chandrasekar
Center for Materials Processing and Tribology Purdue University, IE, GRIS 315 North Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN-47907-2023 Tel. (765) 494-5409
Search for other works by this author on:
Wilfredo Moscoso
Center for Materials Processing and Tribology Purdue University, IE, GRIS 315 North Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN-47907-2023 Tel. (765) 494-5409
e-mail: moscoso@ecn.purdue.edu
Efe Olgun
Center for Materials Processing and Tribology Purdue University, IE, GRIS 315 North Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN-47907-2023 Tel. (765) 494-5409
e-mail: efe.olgun@pfizer.com
W. Dale Compton
Center for Materials Processing and Tribology Purdue University, IE, GRIS 315 North Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN-47907-2023 Tel. (765) 494-5409
e-mail: dcompton@ecn.purdue.edu
Srinivasan Chandrasekar
Center for Materials Processing and Tribology Purdue University, IE, GRIS 315 North Grant Street, West Lafayette, IN-47907-2023 Tel. (765) 494-5409
e-mail: chandy@ecn.purdue.edu
Manuscript received March 2, 2004; revision received September 30, 2004. Review conducted by: M. D. Bryant.
J. Tribol. Jan 2005, 127(1): 238-244 (7 pages)
Published Online: February 7, 2005
Article history
March 2, 2004
September 30, 2004
February 7, 2005
Moscoso, W., Olgun, E., Compton, W. D., and Chandrasekar, S. (February 7, 2005). "Effect of Low-Frequency Modulation on Lubrication of Chip-Tool Interface in Machining ." ASME. J. Tribol. January 2005; 127(1): 238–244. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1829720
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